ATP Tour

How ATP Tour partnered with Art Blocks Engine to sell out their NFT project in minutes, generating over $650,000 by merging sports data with generative art.

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ATP Tour

Project details

Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP)
Project date
August–November 2022
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Service type


In preparation for their November 2022 finals tournament in Turin, Italy, Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP) sought to make an entry into the Web3 space through NFTs. Facing a tight deadline and having no prior experience with NFT projects, ATP required comprehensive support, including:

  • Artist and Web3 developer research
  • Contract writing
  • Strategic marketing
  • Storytelling

Custom solution

Engine provided a tailored suite of Web3 and generative art products and services, successfully positioning ATP at the nexus of sports, data, art, and technology. Our solution included:

  • Smart Contract Development: Handled the development and deployment of smart contracts on both testnet and mainnet, ensuring secure and efficient transactions.
  • Technology Integration: Provided access to robust APIs, advanced rendering technology, and secure file storage, enabling seamless integration with ATP's existing systems.
  • Data-Driven Art: Leveraged in-match sports data to create unique “1 of 1 of x” artworks, merging real-world data with generative art to celebrate 300 impactful moments from the 2022 ATP Finals.
  • Comprehensive Support: Guided ATP through every step of the project, from artist and Web3 developer research to strategic marketing and storytelling, ensuring they were well-prepared and confident in their NFT launch.
ATP Tour
ATP Tour