
How Art Blocks Engine helped Prohibition mint over 50,000 unique tokens on Arbitrum, generating nearly 600 ETH in revenue.

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Project details

Project date
July 2023
This is some text inside of a div block.
Service type
Engine and Engine Flex


VenturePunk, the team behind Prohibition, approached Art Blocks Engine to explore launching an open, lower-cost platform for releasing generative art. Their goal was to build on an L2 to reduce upload costs and gas fees while leveraging battle-tested tech to ensure high-quality art and a streamlined artist experience.

Custom Solution

Art Blocks Engine provided tailored support to meet Prohibition's specific needs. Our solution included:

  • L2 Consultation: Explored the most suitable options and ensured compatibility with their chosen L2, Arbitrum.
  • Resource Allocation: Allocated resources to ensure that Art Blocks Engine and the Art Blocks infrastructure were compatible with Arbitrum.
  • Platform Development: Prohibition built its entire platform on Art Blocks Engine, enabling various functionalities, including:some text
    • Minting of tokens
    • Token rendering
    • Multiple project releases on one core contract
    • Project categorization
    • Royalty splits, and more

Since its launch, Prohibition has successfully minted over 50,000 unique tokens, resulting in nearly 600 ETH in revenue.
